「MAVIC AIR 2 Care Refresh 隨心換」

「OTG OnTheGo Limited 創動樂有限公司」提供「MAVIC AIR 2 Care Refresh 隨心換」 一年全面保障計劃,毋須為意外而擔憂。 成功進行綁定後,您將獲得一年兩次* 保修服務,並獲贈貼心意外保障,無懼因入水或掉落等意外所引起之損壞。

符合以下條件的MAVIC AIR 2,均可登入及啟動您的 「MAVIC AIR 2 Care Refresh 隨心換」服務:

  • 全新未啟用的 MAVIC AIR 2 (僅限由 OTG 所供應之 MAVIC AIR 2 )。
  • 已激活及啟用之 MAVIC AIR 2,但激活時間未超過 48 小時及並無任何損壞。

「MAVIC AIR 2 Care Refresh 隨心換」可提供一年兩次置換服務,服務費 – 第一次置換費 HKD $569 ,第二次置換費 HKD $669,便可置換得符合出廠標準的全新或與全新產品具有相同性能與可靠性的產品。

※ 行使「MAVIC AIR 2 Care Refresh 隨心換」置換權利時部件必需包含無人機機身整體、雲台相機、槳葉和電池一件。

※ 由於貨期不穏定,置換機提供之具體更換服務時間均由OTG 客戶服務中心提供為準

以下是「MAVIC AIR 2 Care Refresh 隨心換」意外損壞置換具體服務條款內容,請細閱及注意︰

  • 只適用於您已經成功購買了 “由 OTG 供應之 MAVIC AIR 2” 而該MAVIC AIR 2 於激活前並無任何損壞。
  • 為確保您能正常享有售後服務權益,您的「MAVIC AIR 2 Care Refresh 隨心換」服務只適用於 OTG 所供應的MAVIC AIR 2。
  • 此服務僅透過 OTG 或 OTG 經銷商購買,由 OTG 供應之 MAVIC AIR 2 產品綁定,並只限香港地區使用。
  • 行使「MAVIC AIR 2 Care Refresh 隨心換」置換權利時部件必需包含機身、雲台相機、槳葉和電池。
  • 顧客如將此「MAVIC AIR 2 Care Refresh 隨心換」登記在非 OTG 供應之 MAVIC AIR 2,日後並不會得到「MAVIC AIR 2 Care Refresh 隨心換」任何保障,客戶須自行承擔因此而引致之所有費用。
  • 如顧客於MAVIC AIR 2 激活後 48 小時內仍未能成功登記,將無法進行登記及享有 「MAVIC AIR 2 Care Refresh 隨心換」 服務,客戶需自行承擔引致之損失、費用責任。OTG 不會因此而進行任何換貨或退款事宜,敬請留意。
  • 如有任何產品版本、序號或登入相關問題,敬請先與 OTG 客戶服務聯絡,並請提供所擁有之MAVIC AIR 2機身編號 (S/N) 及購買發票以作查証。
  • 置換服務保障的置換次數為2次。當您的置換服務使用次數已達到2次,即視為OTG OnTheGo Limited 已經完全履行「MAVIC AIR 2 Care Refresh 隨心換」服務協議約定的義務,置換服務即告終止。
  • 由於貨期不穏定,置換機提供之具體更換服務時間均由OTG 客戶服務中心提供為準
  • OTG 確認收到款項及送貨訂單會有時間差異,顧客於購買前必需細閱以上條款,留意MAVIC AIR 2 激活時間等注意事項,確認訂單時即同意以上條款及承擔風險。


  1. 置換申請日期超出置換服務有效期;
  2. 超出置換服務保障的置換次數;
  3. 部件置換保障範圍以外的產品部件;
  4. 非由OTG 供應之MAVIC AIR 2 或與非DJI 大疆認證的第三方零配件、軟件等同時使用導致的產品損壞;
  5. 產品保障範圍內的置換部件部分或全部遺失;
  6. 產品保障範圍內的置換部件被盜、被搶、被丟棄;
  7. 在不適航情形下的飛行所造成的損壞;
  8. 人為故意行為造成的產品損壞;
  9. 因自然災害、戰爭、軍事行動、暴動、政變、謀反恐怖活動等所致的產品損壞;
  10. 提高、改善產品技術標準、使用性能所需要的額外部分;
  11. 進行的個人改裝導致的產品損壞;

如對以上條款有任何疑問,請向 DJI 香港獨家總代理「OTG OnTheGo Limited 創動樂有限公司」查詢,查詢電話:+852 3700-5700。

    *如要綁定「MAVIC AIR 2 Care Refresh 隨心換」服務,請到 http://support.dji.com/care/active

MAVIC AIR 2 Care Refresh

OTG OnTheGo Limited offering you MAVIC AIR 2 Care Refresh – a comprehensive and reliable service plan that allowing you to enjoy your DJI product with greater peace of mind wherever you go. Once MAVIC AIR 2 Care Refresh is bound to your drone, two replacement units will be provided in one year for accidents, such as water damage or collision, letting you fly with peace of mind. Please read the terms and conditions, by purchasing MAVIC AIR 2 Care Refresh, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these terms.

If your MAVIC AIR 2 meets one of the following criteria, you may scan the QR Code provided below and activate MAVIC AIR 2 Care Refresh service:

  • Brand new and un-activated product (valid for the product that supplied by OTG only)
  • MAVIC AIR 2 that activated within the last 48 hours and without any damage (valid for the product that supplied by OTG only)

MAVIC AIR 2 Care Refresh service provides you with two replacement units within one year. There will be a charge of HKD$569 for the first replacement, and HKD$669 for the second one. The replacement units are brand-new products or equivalent to brand-new products in performance and reliability.

※ When applying MAVIC AIR 2 Care Refresh service, the aircraft (full body), gimbal, camera, propellers, and battery (1 pc) must be provided

※ Replacement available time will be depending on shipment schedule and provide by OTG

Please read the below terms and conditions of MAVIC AIR 2 Care Refresh service, by purchasing MAVIC AIR 2 Care Refresh, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these terms:

  • Valid for MAVIC AIR 2 that purchased from authorized resellers of OTG only, and the drone has no damage before activation
  • The MAVIC AIR 2 Care Refresh is available for sale at OTG or authorized resellers of OTG, it must be bound to MAVIC AIR 2 that supplied by OTG, and valid in Hong Kong only.
  • When applying MAVIC AIR 2 Care Refresh service, the aircraft, gimbal, camera, propellers, and battery must be provided
  • The replacement service will not be provided if this MAVIC AIR 2 Care Refresh is used to MAVIC AIR 2 that NOT supplied by OTG, it is the customer’s liability to bear any loss or charges caused.
  • Please bind MAVIC AIR 2 Care Refresh to the drone within 48 hours once your MAVIC AIR 2 is activated, otherwise you will not be able to enjoy the service of MAVIC AIR 2 Care Refresh. Any loss or charges caused is not under the liability of OTG, return or refund will not be allowed.
  • If there is any question regarding login, version, or serial number of the product, please feel free to contact our service team. Kindly provide us with the serial number and proof of purchase of your MAVIC AIR 2 when you contact us.
  • MAVIC AIR 2 Care Refresh includes two replacements. If you claim for replacement of your product twice, OTG shall be considered to have fully executed the MAVIC AIR 2 Care Refresh service. The MAVIC AIR 2 Care Refresh service will then be terminated.
  • Replacement available time will be depending on shipment schedule and provide by OTG
  • It takes time to deliver your order after payment is confirmed, please make sure there is sufficient time to bind the MAVIC AIR 2 Care Refresh.

MAVIC AIR 2 Care Refresh does not cover the following:

  1. The date when you apply for the replacement is not within the period of validity of your replacement service.
  2. The replacement times have been used up.
  3. The part is not covered by the replacement service.
  4. MAVIC AIR 2 that not supplied by OTG or damage caused by using your DJI product together with a non-DJI product or third-party accessory/software that is not authorized by DJI.
  5. Some or all of the parts that are covered by the replacement service are lost.
  6. Some or all of the parts that are covered by the replacement service have been stolen, looted, or discarded.
  7. Damage caused by flights in unsuitable conditions.
  8. The product is damaged deliberately.
  9. The product is damaged directly or indirectly by natural disaster, war, military action, riot, coup, treason, terrorist activities, etc.
  10. Technical enhancements or performance improvements for your product provided at an extra fee.
  11. Damage caused by modifications.

Should you have any questions, please contact OTG OnTheGo Limited, the exclusive distributor of DJI in Hong Kong, via tel: +852 3700-5700.<.>

    *If you would like to bind the MAVIC AIR 2 Care Refresh service, please visit http://support.dji.com/care/active.