The Undyed Collection
At every stage of EVERGOODS' growth, we look at our environmental footprint and try to make impacts in ways that feel real to us and core to the industry.
With the uptick in demand for eco-friendly materials, there are many suppliers selling stock "recycled" fabrics. When we investigated this option for our equipment, we found it riddled with greenwashing and dubious environmental benefits. This path did not feel authentic to our brand.
So, we went took a hard look at our operations to see where we could reduce resource consumption, in real quantifiable ways. This is where solution-dyed black came in.
Once the kinks of solution-dyed were worked out and the program was running reliably, it seemed a natural step to replicate this dyebath-free process with regular undyed yarn.
It took a lot trial and effort to source and deliver an end-product we believed had both sizeable environmental impacts and had the same level of quality of our original piece-dyed goods.
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