Vendor: SuburbanGet Your Limited-Edition "LunarTicks" Patch! Join us in supporting the Hong Kong Conservancy with our exclusive "LunarTicks" morale patch! Featuring a space-themed hiker, this fun design celebrates our participation in Moontrekker 2024. Perfect for your gear, this patch shows you're part of the adventure...
- HK$200.00
- HK$200.00
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Vendor: SuburbanPerseverance is the key to success. It is important to keep pushing yourself and breaking through your limits. Whenever you feel like giving up, remember why you started and never lose sight of your goals. Just don't quit and Just do it. Orange Thread Black...
- From HK$50.00
- From HK$50.00
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- per
GITD White
Vendor: SuburbanPerseverance is the key to success. It is important to keep pushing yourself and breaking through your limits. Whenever you feel like giving up, remember why you started and never lose sight of your goals. Just don't quit and Just do it. Orange Thread Black...
- From HK$50.00
- From HK$50.00
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GITD White
Vendor: SuburbanBlue Screen of Death (BSoD), :) Rest assured. this bag can handle any challenge with ease. PVC Velcro Backed 5cm x 5cm | 2" x 2" 8cm x 5cm | 3" x 2" FREE Worldwide Shipping to the following countries with more than 3pcs: North...
- From HK$60.00
- From HK$60.00
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- per
Vendor: Suburban"招財進寶"是一個中文成語,意思是希望能夠招來財富並讓財富進入家裡。這個成語常常用來祝福他人能夠財源廣進,生意興隆。它是一個流行的祝福語,也常常出現在農曆新年期間的吉祥物或裝飾品上,代表著對未來財富的美好祝願。
- HK$50.00
- HK$50.00
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Vendor: SuburbanWhen we say Don't F up , sometimes we just meant don't F me up. Orange Thread Black Backing 3D Embroidery Velcro Backed 5cm x 5cm | 2" x 2" FREE Worldwide Shipping to the following countries with more than 3pcs: North America: Canada,...
- HK$60.00
- HK$60.00
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Vendor: SuburbanSo much happen around us lately and sometimes you just don't want to give a f_ck anymore. So this is us being us not giving a F. FREE Worldwide Shipping to the following countries with more than 3pcs: North America: Canada, USA Oceania: Australia...
- HK$90.00
- HK$90.00
- (-0%)
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- per
Vendor: SuburbanA way to treat your loved ones. Get a Suburban Gift Card! Gift cards are delivered by email containing instructions to redeem them at checkout. Our gift cards have no additional processing fees. Terms and Conditions Coupons and discounts cannot be applied at the...
- From HK$200.00
- From HK$200.00
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- per
Vendor: SuburbanPerseverance is the key to success. It is important to keep pushing yourself and breaking through your limits. Whenever you feel like giving up, remember why you started and never lose sight of your goals. Just don't quit and Just do it. Orange Thread Black...
- HK$60.00
- HK$60.00
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- per
Fire Orange
GITD Orange
Reflective Silver
Vendor: SuburbanTribute to Kobe Brian, Bryant has became one of the NBA's most respectful players and has played with the Lakers for his entire NBA Career. Bryant is the only player in league history to have two jersey numbers retired with the same team. The...
- HK$180.00
- HK$180.00
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- Unit price
- per
Vendor: Suburban相信不少客人都係我地銅鑼灣分店見過一個獨特嘅綠色空間,入面有不少奇特植物包括有龍舌蘭、鹿角蕨、熱植、塊根等等,其實所有植物都係我地銅鑼灣店長嘅私人收藏,而塊根亦都係呢幾年分別係日本/台灣/香港捲起過一陣熱潮,當中有一款叫「象牙宮」嘅塊根係屬於每一位塊根收藏者都會接觸嘅品種,於是我地將會用象牙宮推出一個限量刺繡魔術貼章,利用象牙宮圓滾滾嘅外觀結合上日本達摩不倒翁,取其永不言敗的寓意為植物許願祈福,提早發根健康成長。當中亦都有一個小細節,就是兩款刺繡章上的象牙宮達摩會有不同嘅眼睛,未長出葉嘅象牙宮達摩就好比未發根處於許願階段所以只會點上左眼,而另一個已長葉的象牙宮達摩就是代表願望達成了所以就會點上一對眼睛。
- HK$180.00
- HK$180.00
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Vendor: SuburbanTribute to Kobe Brian, Bryant has became one of the NBA's most respectful players and has played with the Lakers for his entire NBA Career. Bryant is the only player in league history to have two jersey numbers retired with the same team. The...
- HK$80.00
- HK$80.00
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Vendor: SuburbanSPECIFICATIONS Dimension: 13": 28 x 26 cm 15": 41.5 x 29.5 cm Materials: X-Pac 3 Compartments Use individually / As Compartment inside backpack *15" siez in Mystery Ranch Sweet Pea
- From HK$630.00
- From HK$630.00
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Coyote Brown
Black Multicam
Alpine Multicam
Vendor: SuburbanWe are excited to introduce our new Chest Strap with Duraflex hardware and 20mm soft, nylon twill webbing. The Fidlock Magnetic V-Buckle with GITD (Glow in the dark) ensures secure and easy use, providing added support and an easier on/off motion with magnetic assistance.The...
- HK$200.00
- HK$200.00
- (-0%)
- Unit price
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Vendor: SuburbanWe are excited to introduce our new Chest Strap with Duraflex hardware and 20mm soft, nylon twill webbing. The Fidlock Magnetic V-Buckle with GITD (Glow in the dark) ensures secure and easy use, providing added support and an easier on/off motion with magnetic assistance.The...
- HK$200.00
- HK$200.00
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Vendor: SuburbanIn a world where overthinking holds us back, action is what truly drives progress. This patch is a reminder to break free from hesitation, trust your instincts, and take the first step—whether it's exploring a new city, chasing a dream, or simply making a...
- HK$80.00
- HK$80.00
- (-0%)
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- per